Consistent Joy Factors, Can Change Your Life! #7

#7 Don’t dwell on the past Jay Z- But time dont go back it goes forward, Cant run from the pain go towards it. Some things cant be explained, What caused it?……… Ok ok Thats “Lost One” by Jay Z But those lines…. powerful! The past is just that leave it there with the past…

#7 Don’t dwell on the past

Jay Z- But time dont go back it goes forward, Cant run from the pain go towards it. Some things cant be explained, What caused it?………

Ok ok Thats “Lost One” by Jay Z

But those lines…. powerful! The past is just that leave it there with the past YOU that dealt with it. This is a new you, everyday you can be renewed. DaIly Affirmation: YOU HAVE THE POWER TO MOVE FORWARD! Don’t let the problems of the past becomes problems of the future. Speak the moving forward affirmation daily!

Now, if there is unfinished buisness in the past that may be plaguing your growth and process, you can move forward after you have dealt with it. Whatever LEGAL and CIVILIZED way this past buisness can be dealt with, lets handle it and be done. If you need more advice, hit the Joy Submission link!

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