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The Remnants of Hurricane Florence🌪⚡️

Have you ever had your mind 🧠 set on something or made plans📆, then things don’t go through? Or maybe you have been practicing day and night on a routine you’re sure would win first place 🥇 but didn’t? In these moments its easy to think negatively ⛔️ but what if we looked at it…

Have you ever had your mind 🧠 set on something or made plans📆, then things don’t go through? Or maybe you have been practicing day and night on a routine you’re sure would win first place 🥇 but didn’t? In these moments its easy to think negatively ⛔️ but what if we looked at it from a positive ➕ stand point? Maybe the delay protected you from some other disaster!

Yesterday H360 visited Chippenham Hospital with intentions on spreading joy and distributing our ” Joy Journals”. As we entered the facility the staff was prompting everyone to step back from the windows and gather in the nearby hallway. Our faces were full of confusion as we were here to volunteer, but oblivious to the fact a tornado🌪 was passing through.

What a perfect time and place to be trapped in a hospital right? So many lives we could touch in this confided area! Well after speaking with the volunteer supervisor Victoria whom was extremely helpful. She advised us that there was a protocol and being as though the hospital was in a total uproar as they were trying to guide everyone to safety, this wouldn’t be the best time to speak to the persons in charge.

Even though we didn’t do what we came to do due to Mother Nature. We could have been easily discouraged, left the hospital and never look back. But during this time we were able to educate some of the staff on the amazing things H360 had cooking 🍳 up. From there we better understood and knew the next steps to accomplishing our goal here at the hospital in the future.

We humans want what we want when we want it and when we don’t get it we gripe and complain. This is where we tap into mindfulness! Allow me to paint a picture. Say we did get the OK to meet and greet individuals, with all that was going on around us would we have really captured their attention? Would we have come off a bit selfish or naive to the fact that something huge is happening outside? Something completely out of our control!

But guess what it’s ok! That’s life, things don’t always go as planned. We get so caught up on what we perceive to be important, we miss out on the little precious moments of the day. Let’s remain positive when things aren’t working in our favor, for we may receive a hidden message or some form of enlightenment.

~Dric 💫

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