Over the years I’ve learned the importance of not littering and being more aware of the environment we live in. As a teenager I remember my sister constantly saying “don’t litter it’s killing the depression ducks”. Well now being an adult I’ve learned it’s a bit deeper than that.
Since transitioning from city life to semi country life I’ve been introduced to a new way to save the environment. Thanks to Laura, our Mom for the month lol, for teaching us so much in a months time. She’s taught us to recycle and to keep the garbage down, we feed whatever scraps or leftovers we have to the chickens 🐥 , ducks 🦆, and rooster’s 🐓. So what are we left with to dispose of? Paper and plastic in which we recycle ♻️ Did you know that recycling ♻️ helps reduce the pollution caused by waste?
The purpose for recycling ♻️ is to conserve energy, help the environment, reduce pollution, slow global warming and lower waste products in landfills. If we recycle ♻️ , we the people can have something to do with the earth’s 🌍 overall health and keep the air, water 💧 and land 🏖clean.
You would be surprised 😯 of how the environment has an effect on your mental 👤health! For example, when you leave the house and your greeted by beautiful trees 🌲 , flowers 🌸 , nice buildings 🏛 this sets the tone for a good day right? Your walking and inhaling fresh 🌬air! Then on the other hand, you leave the house and notice garbage 🗑 along the sidewalk, cigarette 🚬 butts, carry-out containers covered in ants 🐜 , etc. Does this make you feel good about where you live? Can you think clearly or even breathe through the fouled odor and debris in your surroundings? I don’t know about you but all I can think of is the negative and begin to blame individuals for not doing their jobs when it’s “US” as a community that contributed to the pollution.
How can we help keep the environment clean? H360 reached out to the Clean City Commission to see what we could do to help! The Clean City Commission provided us with trash bags, reachers, gloves, and a local community that needed cleaning. And there you have it the beginning of an annual “Clean Day” in every city we visit!
Dric & Shon💫
PS. Check out our “Joyletter” for September!
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