Its the weirdest feeling in the world to physically have NOTHING (money, house, car) but to spiritually have EVERYTHING.
Those were my initial thoughts when beginning this mission. And to be honest, sometimes it still feels weird. Im getting better at excepting these spiritual experiences for what they are. BLESSINGS
Daily, we encounter people who feel like they have nothing, and the knowledge and gifts that we give them literally brightens their day. That in turn, fills us with the spirit of joy. It is food for our soul, and our souls is continuously full.
These encounters remind me of a time when I thought physical items were the key to happiness. When my goals were…. a house, a car and a 6-digit salary (Literally). A time when my thoughts fought with themselves over whether to help someone or not because they may do the wrong thing with it. A time that I do not wish to return to. A time when judging people was normal and it consisted of a comparison to what I would and would not do. A time where not having money was equivalent to being poor and broke, regardless if all of your responsibilities were taken care of. A time when name brand shoes and clothes equaled “having money”. A time when your existence felt like “WORK”. A time like now with a world full of Layer 1’s.
Layer 1 is a term that I have recently coined, defined as the “you” that the world knows and often loves. This is the more preferred you, that upholds most expectations. And if you have been in Layer 1 long enough, you begin to have those expectations for yourself. The you that is strong-willed, determined, smart, energetic, and pleasant. It is the perception that people have the minute they look at you or speak to you. Some have difficulties mastering Layer 1 because, maybe they have never taken acting class. Or maybe they just prefer to be authentic, by beautifying and uplifting all layers of themselves. AS WE WERE INTENDED TO. No one on this EARTH can possibly JUST be all of those things. And the people who love your Layer 1, never thought twice about the real you underneath.
The argument: to successfully co-exist with other people we must present ourselves in a certain way, a way that society excepts. (WE LOVE LAYER 1, it makes life easier)
Hmmm soooooo, we have to be this way because we want for them to like us in return? Right Because liking people is the new evaluation of performance. 🙄😶 Yeah Right! What is that doing to our Mental Health??????????
Would you perform this way if you gained nothing from it, or would you just be yourself? Its like every action we take has underlying purpose and that is, the benefits this action can bring.
I am attempting to transform from a 50% selfless being to a level of selflessness that has yet been seen or heard.
I invite you to do the same. Start small. Be a blessing to someone who leasts expects it. Im not talking about large corporations, Im talking about someone you know and love. BLOW THEIR MIND!
Question??????? How do you differentiate between the real you, and the societal you. Or did you even know there was a difference?
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