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Topic: Affirmations
*Although the characters in this video are fiction, it is a clear depiction of what we see in today’s society due to the pressures of social media. This should not be taken lightly, and is intended to provide an alternative for those that may suffer from these symptoms.
Affirmations are positive statements that can help you challenge and over-come self sabotaging and negative thoughts.
This is something that H360 does daily, and it is literally changing how we view ourselves in this world. It’s affirmations that lead us to know our true power. Once you find your true power, the universe will open up and literally be at your dispense. Trust and believe in the power your tongue has, and then you wont be so surprised when you realize the powers of your mind.
What are some daily affirmations that you use❓
Affirmation Resource
Affirmation Resource 2
Click here to support Humanity 360, INC as we are traveling on a 50 state tour, speaking to church congregations, high school students, college students, and many others in each state about how to increase their Mental Wellness.
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