How to Build on Your Mental Wellness (Code-Switching)

Ⓜ️aturation Ⓜ️onday Topic: Code-Switching Identity crisis are familiar in the black🙎🏽‍♂️🙎🏾‍♀️ communities because complete cultural assimilation means destruction of self-image! (Sidney B. Jenkins) Who knew that the civil rights legislation that passed in 1964, that pushed for integration came with stipulations⁉️ Who knew that those stipulations were; that the black man🙎🏽‍♂️ had to become white🙎‍♂️‼️…Ⓜ️aturation Ⓜ️onday

Topic: Code-Switching

Identity crisis are familiar in the black🙎🏽‍♂️🙎🏾‍♀️ communities because complete cultural assimilation means destruction of self-image! (Sidney B. Jenkins)

Who knew that the civil rights legislation that passed in 1964, that pushed for integration came with stipulations⁉️

Who knew that those stipulations were; that the black man🙎🏽‍♂️ had to become white🙎‍♂️‼️

Our “white work voices” continue to diminish our psychological integrity, until the point of self-hate and destruction. Evidence: Discriminatory Social Standards perpetuated through hair👩🏽clothes👔nails💅🏽shoes👟👠makeup💄and every other discriminatory label corporate america can think of.

But if you are not ready to have this conversation yet, I get it, I wasn’t ready either. I wont talk your head off, continue to keep up with “Joneses”, and “compromise” because you need money.

My advice………..find you so you can be you.

Authenticity is at an all time low right now due to us not knowing how we all possess a different gift/power. How we see our TRUE selves means everything!

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