Ⓜ️aturation Ⓜ️onday
Hi my name is Cedrica and I’m living with severe depression and PTSD. I’ve learned to accept the fact that this will never go away and have found peace in knowing that it’s okay to not be okay. I’ve never been open to talking about it because of the fear of being judged and no one really understanding. The thought of being treated different or the possibility of losing friends I withheld this truth about myself. How can someone understand if I don’t communicate? I choose to be silent no more and to be a voice for the voiceless. I won’t be afraid to admit that the thought of suicide hasn’t cross my mind. I’m thankful to know that suicide isn’t the answer, it only transfers the pain and guilt to our loved ones. Life and death isn’t mine to decide, but Gods. If your reading this I want you to know that you are love, you are enough and you are not alone. I love you, Humanity360 loves you❤️💙💚 Peace ✌🏾☮️
If you need to seriously talk to some please call 1-800- 273-8255.
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