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Note to Cellf 📝

Nobody’s perfect but your perfect to me! In this healing journey, it’s not all peaches & cream. Healing all of while living the dream. Eye cry, eye hurt, eye get sad…. Sometimes thoughts of erasing my existence rule supreme. I’m such an emotional being, eye wear the universe on my heart and sleeve. Carrying everyone’s…

Nobody’s perfect but your perfect to me!

In this healing journey, it’s not all peaches & cream. Healing all of while living the dream. Eye cry, eye hurt, eye get sad…. Sometimes thoughts of erasing my existence rule supreme. I’m such an emotional being, eye wear the universe on my heart and sleeve. Carrying everyone’s burdens when I’m the one who’s truly hurting. The thoughts eye battle you couldn’t even imagine or fathom. Healing hurts, sitting with pain hurts, not being understood hurts, especially knowing life is a gift and a curse.

Eye really don’t know the driving force that got me writing this verse. But eye gotta release it, I’m the only one losing sleep in it. Lately I’ve been feeling defeated when I know for a fact this is my fuckin season. The only way out is through, the only way in is you, meaning Me!

So eye sit with these emotions, eye deal with them in order to heal with them. Roll up a blunt but eye won’t pop a pill with em. These pharmaceutical companies ain’t the answer, they’ll sale you anything but the real. Having you feeling numb inside to the point you can’t feel the vibe. Let’s be real…Life gets tough but I’m tougher. I’m sick and tired of all this structure, what works for you may not work for me. I’m open to every possibility. To want to liveand die at the same time, this shit can’t be right. These people can’t wait for me to pop that pill and say goodnight.

Every morning eye wake early just to thank God and not question why! Eye made it another day, there must be a reason why.

Nobody’s perfect but Cedrica you’re perfect to me😘

InnerG is a beautiful thing, when eye seek cellf

4 responses to “Note to Cellf 📝”

  1. TAKIA SHIRE Avatar

    This really how I be feeling at times going to through alot with my kids being a single parent with the dad being in a situation that I can only build a stronger fence around my 2 boys

    1. admin Avatar

      Thank you for sharing that! Please continue to be patient with yourself and your journey. It is the most difficult when we see all smoke and cant see whats ahead. Remember your why, trust that everything that is happening is for the greater good for you and your family. Our self-judgments make this process feel different, when it should be something that we embrace. Self- Compassion is essential during these times, plus you deserve all the credit! You have to give yourself more of it, and I am definitely giving it to you! YOU ARE COURAGEOUS, STRONG, RESILIENT, AN ATTENTIVE and LOVING MOM, but most of all YOU ARE ENOUGH! We love you!

  2. Q Avatar

    This is Beautiful!!!! I love it! Thank you for sharing this C!! Your words express some of the exact ways I feel at times, fighting my emotions every day? Trying to be strong for everyone while breaking down inside. Enjoy this lovely day and continue to share.

    1. admin Avatar

      Thank you for sharing this Q! I am learning the importance of allowing myself to process my “breakdowns” instead of holding them in, or ignoring them. RELEASING has been my best coping mechanism. I have felt so much power from just “letting it out”. That looks different every time, from crying, to exercising, to journaling, to sitting in silence alone, playing the sound bowl, meditating, and whatever my spirit is seeking in my moments of despair. Learning to actually listen to MY INNER SELF! It knows me better than I thought I knew me. We love you Queen.

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