31 Ways we Bring Awareness to Mental Health💙❤️💚

Sending love, light and peace, to you and your family. Thank you for continuing to be a JOY BLAZER, even when you don’t feel up to it. Your energy and light is what keeps us going! Everybody plays a part no matter the size, in bringing Mental Health Awareness to light, much gratitude to you…

Sending love, light and peace, to you and your family. Thank you for continuing to be a JOY BLAZER, even when you don’t feel up to it. Your energy and light is what keeps us going! Everybody plays a part no matter the size, in bringing Mental Health Awareness to light, much gratitude to you for doing your part by subscribing to our humane world.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! There are 31 days in this month to bring awareness to a topic that we will continue to raise awareness for 365 DAYS of of EVERY YEAR.

So, its only right we share 31 ways that we bring awareness to Mental Health everyday on The Joy Tour (prior to COVID-19)! Moving forward we are discovering new ways to continue our work with the least interruptions possible.

If you have any ideas/suggestions, please feel free to call, text, or reply! Also, feel free to chime in with the ways you bring awareness to mental health!

1. Make our Mental Health a Priority

2. Start hard conversations about emotions/feelings

3. Express that it is ok to not be ok

4. Host events that focus on awareness

5. Share our personal journeys

6. Provide non-professional therapy

7. Wear “Mental Health Matters T shirts”

8. Consult with community organizations and providing resources

9. Provide support to community leaders

10. Volunteer at various Mental Health Facilities

11. Attend community events

12. Participate in continuing education courses around Mental Health

13. 24/7 hotline to listen/ support (301-456-0563)

14. Create/ provide safe spaces for community members

15. Facilitate workshops geared toward healthy coping skills “The Joy Workshop“ NOW VIRTUAL

16. Anonymous chat available online for support

17. Connect with Mental Health Professionals

18. Volunteer clean-up

19. Provide Mental Health Talks for Churches/ Government Agencies

20. Spread Joy through hugs and laughter

21. Empower others to speak their truth

22. Encourage others to trust their intuition

23. Indulge in self-care to model for others

24. Follow-up with Joy Blazers with a Mental Health Check-In

25. Canvas communities with free materials/resources

26. Visit first responders

27. Converse with people experiencing homelessness to determine their need

28. Purchase food/items for others

29. Volunteer at Schools

30. Validate the feelings of others

31. Host “The Joy Jam”, featuring local holistic healers, local mental health professionals, and much more!

With, Joy

Shontice McKenzie, Founder/CEO

Cedrica Mitchell, Executive Director

H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y 360, INC(Helping Us Make A New Interaction Through You)



H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y 360, INC is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to reduce the number of people suffering from any mental illness, while reducing the suicide rate in the United States. Tax ID number: 46-5430774

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