While exploring my personal traumas I realized….
I remember constantly praying to “Jesus” for a change; attempting to change natural and biological make-up‘s through a secret and watered down form of manifesting. Simultaneously releasing all power, responsibility and trust in oneself to a figure. Yielding minimal results and being extremely grateful …………….but now I have realized that I am actually GREATNESS, and I deserve nothing less! Pondering on the psychological impact of worshiping a white man has had on my life. My unspoken fear of their misogynistic traits, and manipulative ways. Having that fear transfer over to all male authority figures regardless of color, and my inability to speak my truth to those figures. It started to feel intentional.
When I decided to KNOW and EXCEPT who I am in relation to Jesus (also the name of the slave ship in the 1600s) and God, everything fell into place. I am an extension of GOD, just as Jesus was, just like you. God (or however you address a higher power) is the creator and we are the creation. I have access to all that is GOD and of GOD, and so do you. If we all could believe like some of us believe in “Jesus”, we could all be as powerful as I KNOW I AM!
See the millennials get it! Going against the grain and following their intuition and spirit more than the word of “Jesus”, even though they were taught and told NOT TO! It has led to many movements, creative creations, and paved abstract ways for finacial freedom in younger generations. Of course the older generations think we are a disgrace, but oh how quickly they forget about the sacrifices of those that came before us.
Is it not our right and duty to continue what they started or are we OK with the mediocrity others have forced in our lives?
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